DEOC has informed kanungo Tissa regarding this incident.
Kanungo will send the detail report later.
As per information received from Police Station Tissa that a fire broke out in Village Karatosh P.O Jungra Tehsil Churah in the house of Rafi mohd. In this incident 4 persons namely Rafi mohd. age about 25 years and his three children [1] daughter Jaitun age about 6 years [2] son Samir age about 4
years and [3] daughter Julkha age about 2 years burnt and died on spot and his wife is injured. S.HO. P.S Tissa along with police party rushed to the spot. Further information is awaited and will be conveyed.
DEOC has informed District Administration regarding this incident.
DEOC has informed kanungo Tissa regarding this incident. Kanungo will send the detail report later.