Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur has thanked the Union Government for approving Bilateral Funding from French Development Agency which had agreed in principle to fund Rs. 650 crore project proposal under Disaster Risk Reduction activities in the State.
Chief Minister said that Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (FB & ADB Division) Government of India in its 104th Screening Committee meeting gave approval to the proposal of the State Government. He said that the main objectives of the project were to reduce vulnerability of the State from various natural hazards like earthquake, landslide, flash floods and climate induced etc. He said that the project also aims at reducing loss of human life and property, reduce overall disaster risk and enhance the response capacity of the State.
Jai Ram Thakur said that the project also envisages achieving Sustainable Development Goals and Targets/Priorities of Sendai Frameworks for Disaster Risk Reduction besides achieving targets of Prime Minister’s Ten Point Agenda on disaster risk reduction.
He said that the project would also go a long way in creating a culture of safety in the State besides institutional strengthening for disaster risk reduction by creation of Knowledge Network of Institutions for Disaster Risk Reduction.