A high level team under the leadership of Tribal Development Minister Ram Lal Markanda, comprising of Chief Secretary Ram Subhag Singh and Director General of Police Sanjay Kundu reviewed the blockage of Chandrabhaga river at Nalada village in Lahaul-Spiti district, caused due to massive landslide. This was stated by Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur here today.
Chief Minister said that on receiving the information of the incident, the team was immediately sent to take a stock of the situation. He said there was gradual improvement in the flow of the river. He said the district administration has been directed to ensure that no further damage is caused due to the situation.
Chief Minister has appealed the people to avoid going near river bank and landslide prone areas.
as per information received from local PRI around 09:20 am. Landslide occurred near Nalda village. In which the flow of Chenab river has been blocked.
So far no loss of life or property has been reported in this incident.