Chief Minister Shri Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu in a statement issued from New Delhi, said that he was undergoing quarantine after being tested positive for covid-19 yesterday and was asymptomatic. He said that after following the covid-19 protocol, he would return to work at the earliest.
Chief Minister said that the State Government was committed to fulfill all the 10 guarantees made by the Congress Party on the eve of General Assembly elections and would leave no stone unturned to come upto the expectations and aspirations of the people of the State. He said that the Government has decided that the long pending demand of employees regarding OPS would be fulfilled in the very first Cabinet Meeting as promised in the Congress ‘Pritigya Patra-2022’.
Shri Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said that the State Finance Department has been directed to come up with detailed proposal regarding implementation of OPS to facilitate NPS employees of the State. He said that the suggestions of various Employees Organizations and other sections of the society were being taken into consideration so that a viable and comprehensive OPS could be framed.
Chief Minister said that he has also directed the officers to promote eco friendly vehicles in a big way which would not only lessen the burden on State exchequer but also prove a boon to the pristine environment of the State. He said that the State Transport Department would get a fleet of electric vehicles and Secretariat and other departments would be encouraged to go for electric vehicles.
Chief Minister said that greater focus would be laid on strengthening the agrarian economy of the State by providing incentives to the farming community. He said that since agriculture and horticulture contributes about 13 percent of GDP of the State, stress would be laid on providing enhanced technological knowhow to the farmers. He said that besides providing employment opportunities to the youth, a special Start up Fund would be created to assist the young entrepreneurs.
Shri Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said that people of the State have reposed faith on the Congress Party and the State Government would strive hard to come up to the expectations of the people.