Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur met Union Power Minister R. K. Singh at New Delhi today.
Jai Ram Thakur apprised the Union Minister that state is heading towards becoming green state soon. He urged for cooperation of the ministry for clearing the thermal power commitments of the state. He said that at present state is using only 2000 mw of thermal power whereas rest is green energy. He said that if state receives needed cooperation then HP will produce cent per cent green energy and will be first state of the country to achieve this. He added that this will provide competitive edge in the market as green products are very much in demand.
He also apprised about pending issues with BBMB and requested to resolve them soon.
The Union Minister congratulated the Chief Minister for his concern for green energy and assured of full cooperation.
Chief Secretary Ram Subhag Singh also briefed about important issues in the meeting.