Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur said that keeping in view the lockdown due to COVID-19, steps were being taken by the State government to ensure adequate supply of essential commodities in all parts of the state. He said that the supply chain of essential commodities in the State is being maintained effectively so that there is no scarcity of essential commodities during the period of lockdown.
He said that there is sufficient stock of flour, rice, pulses, sugar, edible oils, salt and other grocery items in the state. The steps are also being taken to ensure availability of milk and bread in adequate quantity and to ensure supply of LPG to all households. He said that availability of medicine is also being ensured in every part of the State besides the fodder for cattle.
He said that necessary steps are being taken to check hoarding and profiteering of essential commodities and stern actions being taken against the defaulters.
He urged the general public not to panic purchasing and unnecessary stocking as adequate supply of essential commodities was being done in the State.
Jai Ram Thakur said that the supply of various essential items is being received in border districts of the State. He said that from 31st March to 15th April, 7,24,073 cylinders of LPG in 2,607 vehicles, 10,761,371 liter of diesel / petrol in 972 vehicles, 7,721,731 liter and 27,955 crates of milk in 4,770 vehicles, 1,14,482 tonnes grocery items and 1,780 trays of eggs in 14,195 vehicles, 47,329 tonnes vegetables and fruits in 11,702 vehicles, 2,160 tonnes and 75,148 boxes of medicines and sanitizers in 4,476 vehicles and more than 18,984 tonnes of fodder in 2,302 vehicles have been supplied in six border districts of the State, Viz; Bilaspur, Chamba, Kangra, Sirmaur, Solan and Una.