Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu directed the officers of the Health Department to keep strict vigil on the number of corona cases in the State and also keep the men and machinery ready to meet any possible surge in the Covid-19 cases.
Chief Minister was presiding over a meeting of Health Officers to review Covid-19 situation in the State. He said that strengthening of genome sequencing of positive case samples must also be ensured. He said that special vigil must be kept to persuade the visitors to adopt Covid-19 appropriate behaviour during their stay in the State.
Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said that people with flu-like symptoms must be tested for Covid-19 so that treatment could be started at the earliest. He said that adequate testing must be ensured in the health institutions in the State.
Principal Secretary Health Subhasish Panda informed the Chief Minister that there were over 2526 dedicated beds with oxygen and 2046 dedicated Covid beds in the State. He said that efforts would be made to ensure sufficient availability of Covid vaccines.
Mission Director NHM Hemraj Bairwa made a detailed presentation on the occasion and said that there were only 28 active Covid cases in the State out of which only three were in hospitals.
MLAs I.D. Lakhanpal, Sanjay Awasthi, Kewal Singh Pathania and Ajay Solanki, Chief Secretary R.D. Dhiman, Additional Chief Secretary Finance Prabodh Saxena, Director Health Services Dr. Gopal Berry and other senior officers of the Health department attended the meeting among others.