Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu congratulated the State Police for bagging first position among hilly states in implementation of Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) and third award in implementation of ICJS ( Inter Operable Criminal Justice System).
Chief Minister said that good policing practices are necessary for providing a secure and hassle free environment to the people.
Himachal has won the prestigious CCTNS award continuously for the third year in a row.
Director General of Police Sanjay Kundu called on the Chief Minister in New Delhi today and apprised him about the awards won by the State.
Sunil Sharma, Political Advisor to the Chief Minister, Chairman H. P. RERA Dr. Shrikant Baldi, ACS Finance Prabodh Saxena, DIG D. K. Chaudhary and other prominent people were present on the occasion.