Industries Minister Bikram Singh today visited the Industrial Area of Goa and interacted with the officials of Sanofi, a French Multinational Pharmaceutical Company and IFB. He is in Goa to represent Himachal Pradesh in the 37th Meeting of Goods and Service Tax Council.
Bikram Singh also invited officials of both the companies to visit Himachal Pradesh for Global Investors Meet on 7th and 8th November, 2019 to be held at Dharamshala.
Earlier, he also visited unit and world class laboratory of Sanofi and washing machine unit of IFB.
Industries Minister also hoped that the companies will establish similar units in Himachal Pradesh, which will contribute in the development of the State besides providing employment to locals.
He also detailed about investor-friendly industrial policy of the State and various facilities being provided by the State Government for establishing industrial units.